CEimpact Podcast

Incorporating Risk Management Principles into Your Teaching


Whose job is it to teach risk management principles to pharmacy learners? Sure – they have to take a law course as part of their curricular requirements, but how much does that mean to them until they are in real life situations as part of their IPPEs, APPEs, or residency? As preceptors, it’s important that we not only recognize and manage the legal risks of welcoming pharmacy learners within our pharmacy practice but also that we are prepared to teach practical concepts such as risk management in addition to developing their clinical skills. Listen to this episode where we talk with David Brushwood, a well-known expert, and educator in the practical and professional aspects of risk management and pharmacy law.

Kathy Schott, PhD
David Brushwood, RPh, JD
Senior Lecturer, University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy
Professor Emeritus, University of Florida
Content Development, CEimpact

David Brushwood graduated with degrees in pharmacy and law from the University of Kansas.  He practiced both professions prior to entering academia.  David retired from the University of Florida, College of Pharmacy, in 2014 where he is currently Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy.  In 2015, David joined the faculty at the University of Wyoming, School of Pharmacy, and he serves there as a Senior Lecturer teaching online courses in the Master of Science in Health Services Administration program.  David is a pharmacy law content developer with CEimpact, where he produces educational programs for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy students. David’s primary research interests are pain management policy, patient safety regulation, and pharmacist professional responsibility.

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CE Information

At the end of this course, preceptors will be able to:

1.     Describe situations where exposure to malpractice liability may occur for preceptors during experiential learning

2.     Discuss techniques for teaching risk management to pharmacy learners in the experiential learning setting

 UAN: 0107-0000-22-422-H99-P
 Release Date: 11/16/2022
 Expiration Date: 11/16/2025
The speakers have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

This program has been:

  • Approved by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy as education for Minnesota pharmacy preceptors.
  • Reviewed by the Texas Consortium on Experiential Programs and has been designated as preceptor education and training for Texas preceptors.

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