CEimpact Podcast

Identifying and Addressing Bias in Pharmacy Learners


Studies have connected racial and cultural bias in students and how they approach patient cases in their respective PharmD curriculum. How can preceptors identify and address potential bias in pharmacy learners to help ensure healthcare equity?
Kathy Schott, PhD
LaQuoia Johnson, PharmD, BCPS, DPLA
Pharmacy Consultant
Growing Through It

More about Dr. LaQuoia Johnson 

Dr. LaQuoia Johnson is the author of How Rxacism Manifests: Inside the Small World of Pharmacy, a speaker, educator and champion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Her personal mission is to create opportunities for transformational change in leadership from the lens of Grace. 

She is a graduate of the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy, and is residency trained in acute-care and pharmacy administration. Dr. Johnson spent the last decade providing patient-centered care and supporting others who do. Today, she leverages her knowledge and skills to educate the next generation of pharmacy technicians as an adjunct professor for Pharmacy Technology programs at two community colleges in North Carolina. Additionally, Dr. Johnson serves the State of North Carolina in partnership with the CDC foundation as a pharmacist consultant, and is the CEO of Growing Through It, LLC offering personal and leadership coaching and EDI-centered workshops for youth groups, corporate conferences, churches, and community-based organizations. 

Dr. Johnson resigned from her position in Pharmacy Leadership

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At the end of this course, preceptors will be able to:

1.     Discuss the possible impact implicit and explicit bias may have on students' ability to support health equity

2.     Describe strategies preceptors can use help students increase their awareness of their own personal bias

UAN: 0107-0000-22-321-H99-P
Release Date: 08/24/2022
Expiration Date: 08/24/2025

The speakers have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

This program has been:

  • Approved by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy as education for Minnesota pharmacy preceptors.
  • Reviewed by the Texas Consortium on Experiential Programs and has been designated as preceptor education and training for Texas preceptors. 

Want to connect with Dr. LaQuoia Johnson? Check out her website:


Want more information on this topic? If you are looking for some more specific guidance relative to implicit bias, health care disparities, and cultural competence, check out these courses:

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