CEimpact Podcast


CEimpact Season 1 Episode 10

Up to 69% of #Hospitalizations are caused by Medication Non-Adherence. Think of the impact pharmacists could make on the healthcare spend and patient outcomes if we could have a significant impact on that!

Tooktake is a new medication reminder. This episode explores how you can offer a new, simple and inexpensive wellness tool to help your patients. It's a new medication reminder called “tooktake”.

Find out more about tooktake.

Leeanna Gantt, Founder tooktake

Links to learn more and order tooktake:

For more information or access to these tools - check out the Practice Resource section of The Pharmacy Network.

Read more about Leeanna's story on how she started tooktake in CEimpact's blog.

The Level Up podcast is where we share tools and resources to help you 'level up' your pharmacy practice. 

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